CERT Training

CERT training covers basic skills that are important to know in a disaster when emergency services are unavailable.

CERT Basic Training

April, 19, 2024 – 5:00 PM

CERT Basic Training Overview

CERT volunteers perform basic response activities, such as checking on neighbors, distributing information to the public, supporting first responders and emergency operations centers, and helping where needed in the community.

CERT Basic Training

Note: Classes may vary in order and location of training.

In this unit, you will learn about:
  • Roles and Responsibilities for Community Preparedness: How everyone in a community has a role in disaster preparedness.
  • Role of CERTs: CERT organization, disaster and non-disaster roles, and laws that protect disaster workers from liability.
  • Elements of Disasters and Their Impact on Infrastructure: The potential effects of extreme emergencies and disasters on electrical service, emergency services, telephone communication, transportation, and availability of food, water, shelter, and fuel.
  • Personal and Organizational Preparedness: How you can prepare in advance to improve the quality of your survival and to reduce the damage from hazards.
In this unit, you will learn about:
  • CERT Organization: How to organize and deploy.
  • CERT resources according to CERT organizational principles.
  • CERT Size-up: How to conduct the continual data-gathering and evaluation process at the scene of a disaster or emergency.
  • Rescuer Safety: How to protect your safety and your buddy’s during search and rescue.
  • Documentation: Strategies for documenting situation and resource status.
In this unit, you will learn about:
  • An introduction to disaster medical operations training provided to CERTs.
  • An overview of ways to respond to emergencies when deployed by your sponsoring organization or in everyday life.
In this unit, you will learn about:
  • Assisting Disaster Medical Operations: How to assist by controlling bleeding, maintaining normal body temperature, and more.
  • Mass Casualty Incidents: How to assist first responders in responding to mass casualty incidents.
  • Functions of Disaster Medical Operations: Major functions of disaster medical operations.
  • Disaster Medical Treatment Areas: Types of medical treatment areas. Head-to-Toe Assessment: How to perform a head-to-toe assessment to identify and treat injuries.
  • Public Health Considerations: How to maintain hygiene and sanitation.
In this unit, you will learn about:
  • Disaster Psychology: The psychological impact a disaster has on rescuers and survivors, and lessons on providing components of “psychological first aid.”
  • Caring for Yourself and Survivors: Steps volunteers can take individually and as part of a CERT before, following, and after a disaster.
In this unit, you will learn about:
  • Fire Chemistry: How fire occurs, classes of fire, and choosing the correct means to extinguish each type of fire.
  • Fire Size-up Considerations: How to evaluate fires, assess firefighting resources and determine a course of action.
  • Portable Fire Extinguishers: How to identify types of portable fire extinguishers and how to operate them.
  • Fire Suppression Safety: How to decide if you should attempt to extinguish a fire; how to approach and extinguish a fire safely.
  • Fire and Utility Hazards: How to identify potential fire and utility hazards in the home and workplace; how to implement successful fire prevention strategies.
In this unit, you will learn about:
  • Search and Rescue Size-up: How to size up the situation in which the search and rescue teams will operate.
  • Conducting Interior and Exterior Search Operations: How to search systematically for disaster survivors.
  • Conducting Rescue Operations: Safe techniques for lifting, leveraging, cribbing, and survivor removal.
In this unit, you will learn about:
  • Terrorism: Defining terrorism, including the goals and tactics of some terrorist groups, and detailing how to respond when an active shooter is in your vicinity.
  • Eight Signs of Terrorism: The eight signs of terrorism and how to report suspicious activity.
  • Preparing for Your Neighborhood: Steps to take to be prepared at home, work, and in your neighborhood.
  • Hazardous Materials (HazMat) and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNe): Identifying some basic guidelines during a Hazmat or CBRNE event.
This Unit Includes:
  • A review of the main points from the course.
  • Question and Answers.
  • Disaster Simulation Drill (Fake Blood and All).